Wednesday, April 9, 2008

We're searching for frequencies

I don't know if I have daily journaling/blogging in me. I have tried to do a daily journal, but after some time I forget a day, then I try to make up for it, then I forget again. Etc. Discipline is necessary for such things, and although I have a moderate amount of it, it's obviously not enough.

So, I'll just quote Neil Gaiman and be done with it.

"Write when you remember, write when you can".

Here's a few items -

My reading of DUNE is coming along. I've not read in 2 days, but I'm almost 100 pages in, and that's a great start for a book I've tried getting through no less than 5 times since my teenage years. It's a wonderful read, and given my love for Lynch's film version, the visualizations of the material are part his own, and part mine. It's a nice balance - what was once only Kyle McLaughlin that I saw as Paul, I'm now able to visualize him differently. This goes for a lot of what I've read. Yes, I'm indebted to Lynch's vision and it is my primary means of imagining the book, but since it's been a while that I've watched it, this nice amalgamation of past memory and my own interpretation is nice. I'll say that I will finish DUNE, and may look into the sequels in the future.

Blood Meridian has been picked up again. A chapter was read the other day, and I'll read another today most likely. It's a difficult work. Not as dense as I had initially thought when I began it (200 pages in now) but still a demanding read at points. McCarthy's description of the landscape is detailed with obscure names for flora and fauna - it's certainly interesting to read it this way, and I'd like to define each new plant or tree, but I'm not reading it this way. I'm enjoying it as is and not getting caught up in annotations or constant web searches. What is most important here is the story McCarthy is painting with these words. It's chugging along, stopping for bits of obscure, wretched violence, and then continuing on furthering the perception of The Judge and his crew. I have no idea where it's going, but I have difficulty remembering where it's been as well.

Blade Runner is back in the mind. Not that it ever leaves for very long. This time around: Deckard's footwear in the movie. I had recently ordered a pair of Adidas Stan Smiths (all black). After doing a bit of image searching in anticipation of their arrival, I came across an article discussing Deckard's shoes. Very interesting. My preparations towards Blade Runner cosplay is nearing completion. < this is a lie.

I walked down to the edge of a shoreline last night. Low tide, and really slippery rocks. They made the most wonderful clacking sounds.

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