Monday, March 17, 2008

Insert Coin

I'll have a go at this again.

Current obsessions:

New Classic 80 gig iPod. It's replaced the 16 gig iPod touch that caused me numerous problems (over the course of the 3 different ones I'd had to exchange starting in late September of '07) and so far, so good. I really did like the touch. It was a great toy - good interface (which at times became a bit spotty sensitivity wise) and a really stellar screen. Too bad it was marred by too many problems (constant freezing, crashing, broken power button). The classic is a nice return to form - I didn't realize just how much I missed the click wheel functionality.

Blood Meridian - reading through Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian. After a false start or two, I've been able to get into this story. It's starting to round itself out in terms of character and execution. The Judge is an interesting bastard, and he seems to be able to read Bats; meaning, much like a soothsayer will read bones, tea leaves or entrails, the Judge reads bats. And by a scene I read last night, is able to communicate with them very well. This probably isn't actually occuring, but the writing is damn good to allow the reader to draw such theories, it's really not pulling at clouds either - what occurs between the Judge and these Bats flying out and over the desert really allows for said interpretation. And the violence seems to be ramping up (most reviews or mentions of the novel discuss it's epic violence, which thus far, hasn't been very epic. More scattered and unsuspected, but done with a key element of keeping with the grain of the story. Yes, vulgar and repulsive scenes have arisen, but I wouldn't call them unnecessary as some have; they do not take the reader out of the story at all, but make for them to read the bit over a time or two as McCarthy's language in these instances doesn't lose any of its density or obscurity that rides through most passages.

DS/PSP - I am still addicted to handheld gaming. Chupp's revolutionary EMUvement isn't helping matters any; in fact they're making it even worse! But in the best way possible. Long live SNATCHER and upcoming games of Mappy.

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