Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Scribe Cathedral

Eben's pen had run out of ink. Amazing the amount he goes through in a day - but with the insistance of using these small ink bladders, it's no surprise. Especially since much more efficient measures had been discovered - the use of ink veins for instance.

Convenience and efficiency, yes. But not in Eptrovich Magpie's Scribeworks. In these halls, all is done with convenience and efficiency, but the kind that has become standard at such an establishment. Meaning the kind that has been deemed as such by Magpie himself. An old artform, using the most precise (and often times) ancient processes available.

The blue digital numbers flickered 12:12:12 in their square, leatherbound cube case on Eben's desktop. Getting near quitting time, best begin refill duties now while it's quiet and there's a good break between pages. The remaining pages of Keph's "An apology of the glitch: A recourse in the modern static movement" could wait until tomorrow. Eben began the intricate process of refilling the ink across the board of his 7 daily work pens. Removing the caps (taking special care of the glass cap of pen 3, the Philip L'amore Zeitgeist model)...

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